Enrollment Options

In order for us to plan clearer educational goals and track our students' progress, we need to know how long they will be studying with Arki. We only have 2 different enrollment programs.As you can see below:

1 - Termly Enrollment (Enrollment for a Term)
2 - Two-Month Enrollment (Enrollment for 2 Consecutive Months)

Our first priority is with the Termly Enrollments meaning that the ones who choose the Termly Enrollment will be the ones who get their spot first. After completing our Termly Enrollments, we will go through our list for the ones interested in Two-Month Enrollment.


1 - Termly Enrollment

How long is each term?

Each term is 3 months long. When each term starts/finishes? We have 4 terms in our school year. We only accept Termly Enrollment if you complete the registration before the term begins and we can't accept Termly admission in the middle of a term.


  1. January, February, March
  2. April, May, June
  3. July, August, September
  4. October, November, December

Tuition Fee for a Term: 40,000 THB per term/child

Refund Policy:

  • After completing the payment and registration, if you decide to cancel for any reasons, there will be no refund.
  • There will be no refund for the days that your child is absent for any reasons. (such as travel, change of plans, sickness,...)

Click here to make an Admission Request.



2 - Two-Month Enrollment

Who this program is for?

This program is best suited for the students who would like to study at Arki for 2 months or even for the ones that aren't sure how long they will be studying with us.

Tuition Fee for 2 Months: 34,000 THB per child

If you choose this program , we can't guarantee that your spot will be secured for the next 2 months unless you save your spot by paying the next 2 months tuition fully 20 days in advance.

For example if you have only paid for the months of January and February (34,000 THB) and you decide that your kid stay at Arki for March and April as well, you will need to save your spot for March- April by paying the tuition for the next 2 months (34,000 THB) by February 10th.

Refund Policy:

  • After completing the payment and registration, if you decide to cancel for any reasons, there will be no refund.
  • There will be no refund for the days that your child is absent for any reasons. (such as travel, change of plans, sickness,...)
  • Any change from 2-month enrollment to termly enrollment is subject to availability and can be possible only at the beginning of each term.

Click here to make an Admission Request.
